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Free language programs download

When this model is used in a community where at least 40% of the population speaks the foreign language, it is called a dual immersion program and also serves to strengthen heritage learners first language. The other half of the day language arts, specials, etc. In elementary school half of the school day math, science and Spanish language are taught in Spanish. The other half of the day is conducted in English.

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Elementary students spend half the day studying the regular grade-level curriculum in classes conducted in the world language. Optional Models for School World Language Programs 1) Fayette County Spanish Academy Partial Immersion model Partial immersion is a means of acquiring a world language through content matter instruction.


Consider using online, video, or software instructional aides/programs ALONG WITH the regular use of a native speaker or certified language teacher to insure that students can demonstrate their learning aligned to state benchmarks (i.e., interpersonal speaking and writing). Consider partnering with community organizations that do or could offer intensive summer instructional programs (i.e., Crane House in Louisville, Confucius Institute in Lexington and Bowling Green, Baker Hunt Arts in Covington, Governor s Scholars, etc.) Consider preliminary steps toward eventually hiring a teacher, i.e., securing language assistants from foreign embassy partners or hiring native speakers from the community to collaborate with onsite facilitators, teachers of record, or other content teachers. 1Ģ Consider encouraging high school dual enrollment or early college programs that will free-up teachers to teach in elementary schools. Questions to ask: Are all students receiving instruction equally across all content areas? If only some are getting World Language instruction, does this point to elitism? Does the school really need _# teachers, or could language teachers be acquired by redistributing other content teacher ratio? Consider teacher supply, including: -partnerships to use university majors or teacher candidates for regular conversation practice in blended programs -visiting certified teachers from Spain (KDE) -guest certified teachers from China (i.e., WKU and UK Confucius Institutes and The College Board) -certified Japanese teachers through the JET program -language and culture assistants, from the embassies of Spain or France, paired with a teacher of record. Investigate teacher/subject distribution. Consider the integration model of teaching other content through the language, i.e., PE in Spanish, arts and humanities in French, math units in Chinese, etc. If the focus is proficiency, perhaps students don t need to meet every day.

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If the schedule includes a large reading block, consider shifting some of the time to world language learning, given the effects of second language learning on literacy skills. For those schools that do not have language programs, possible first steps might be to: Look at different school schedules. This would entail communication among levels within the district and include an assessment plan, learning opportunities and instructional options. Step 2 Create a backwards design plan to establish school language proficiency targets. Recognize and promote students language proficiency gained outside of the traditional classroom, (i.e., heritage language speakers, study abroad, language camps, home instruction, individual study). Become familiar with the benchmarks of the Kentucky Standards for World Language Proficiency. Administer a community (school and beyond) language survey to determine available partners and resources.

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Step 1 Determine a language policy that reflects a shared school and community vision. 1 Building Language Programs The following suggestions are being shared with schools/districts to guide their design/implementation of effective programs that support every learner using a world language, in addition to English, to engage in meaningful, intercultural communication to understand and interpret the spoken and written language and to present information, concepts and ideas in local and global communities.

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